When will I be able to move in to Summer Ridge?
Summer Ridge Apartments have broken ground, and will be available for move-ins beginning in Spring of 2023.
Where is Lake Mills?
Lake Mills, Wisconsin, is conveniently located just off of I-94, roughly 20 miles from Madison and 50 miles from Milwaukee.
Why Lake Mills?
Lake Mills offers an outstanding quality of life for anyone looking for a small-town feel without sacrificing luxury living or proximity to major metropolitan areas.
Is parking included at Summer Ridge?
Yes! Every apartment home at Summer Ridge features an attached single-car garage that offers another way to enter the apartment. Residents also get a bonus parking spot in the driveway in front of their garage, as well as access to community parking areas.
Is Summer Ridge a good choice for anyone?
Summer Ridge is a fantastic place for everyone! From our location near several top-rated schools, to our ample green space, and community playground, you will love calling Summer Ridge home.
Will I have to share indoor spaces with other residents?
No! Unlike other apartments that have shared entrances, hallways, mailrooms, and other community areas, Summer Ridge has no shared indoor spaces. Our apartments are designed in the style of townhouses with private entrances, private garages, and the sense that your home is truly yours.
How do I pay rent?
Summer Ridge offers convenient online rent payments – visit our Resident Portal to log in.
Can residents access Rock Lake?
Rock Lake is located just 6 minutes from Summer Ridge by car, allowing residents easy access to beaches and boat launches.
How close is the Glacial Drumlin Trail?
Glacial Drumlin Trail is located roughly a mile and a half from Summer Ridge, making it an easy trip for bikers, joggers, walkers, and others looking to enjoy recreational activities on the trail.
How close is Wallace Park?
Wallace Park is just a 2-minute car ride or 15-minute walk from Summer Ridge. Wallace Park is home to baseball fields, a soccer field, a picnic area, playground, and plenty of green space for residents to enjoy.
Does Lake Mills have good schools?
Lake Mills is home to fantastic elementary, middle, and high schools, as well as private schools, pre-schools, and daycare centers. Lake Mills High School routinely ranks in the top percentiles for ACT scores, AP course enrollment, and graduation rates.
How close is downtown Lake Mills?
Downtown Lake Mills is located one and a half miles from Summer Ridge, making it accessible by a quick 4-minute drive or leisurely half-hour walk.
What is downtown Lake Mills like?
Lake Mills’ downtown area has a charming, small-town feel, with an easily walkable main street lined with restaurants, shops, and other local businesses. Downtown is also home to Commons Park, with a gazebo-style band shelter, picnic shelter, as well as an ice rink in the winter months and festival, concerts, and other civic activities during warm weather.